Special thanks to:Bill and Louise Clemons: Bill and Louise taught me how to fly a balloon, advised me in building a balloon, and let me borrow their sewing machine for more than a half year. Not to mention they are just plain great people! I owe them a great deal of thanks. Val Craven: My wife has put up with my strange ideas for many years. This was one of the more ambitious projects. I appreciate her patience as the garden was neglected, the yard grew long, and the house projects were all put on hold. She also helped me when it I needed another person to help handle the fabric. Bob LeDoux: Publisher of the Balloon Builders Journal (BBJ). This journal is thin, but packed with information critical to any homebuilder. He also has offered good advice and encouragement through e-mail. Bob Nungester: His program is what I used to calculate the balloon dimensions. He also gave advice through e-mail. Don Piccard: Don sold me thread and load tape for my balloon. He also was a gracious host when I came up to Minnesota learn more about building balloons. That man is stuffed with knowledge. I would recommend any balloonist spend some time him learning. The Ballooning Community: Special thanks to all those multitudes of people who ask how the balloon is coming and give me encouragement to get it done. It really does help! |